Iain “The Titan”

Co-Founder - Administration Director

Hello there!

The name is Iain. Iain Messore.

Now now, I know it seems like I am a mean person from my photo, but I am actually a nice guy! Looking forward to see you!

Why Warriors Within?

Growing up I never felt like I had any male role models close by that I could look up to. There were good people all around me, people that helped me a lot, but no one that could teach me what it truly means to be a man. I spent much of my childhood alone, teaching things to myself that others should have taught me, doing things I should have seen others do. I never felt like I had a community, somewhere that had everything needed to guide me to be a man.

In my early teenage years, I developed a strong generalised anxiety disorder. I was unable to do basic things like go to school or attend a sleepover without being overwhelmed with feelings of dread and fear. This anxiety held me back much in my youth. I spent my days at home locked away in my room, I never did anything scary or different, and I wasted so many amazing opportunities. With time and effort, I overcame this and started to do things that both scared me and helped me grow. I attended public speaking sessions, I joined the gym, I started to put myself out there. My life was not where I wanted it to be, so I made the choice to change it.

All of this, I had to do alone. I would have given anything for a platform like Warriors Within when I was young. A place that had all the information I could ever need to be a man, right at my fingertips. A place where I could find likeminded individuals. A community to call home and people I could be inspired by. That is why I am doing this, for all the people like me out there who could genuinely benefit from what this platform is.


My Quote in Life:

“ Sleep is for the weak. “



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