Musa “The Count”

Co-Founder - Creatives & Design Director

Greetings and Greetings!

The name is Musa, and I look forward to meet you, no really.

I am story hunter. I hunt for stories. I always seek interesting people, interesting events, and interesting times. All to create a magnificent story. A legacy. I do not like to spend time talking about it, I’d rather go and do it. Just the fact that you’re here, means you seek interesting things. Welcome.

Hobbies? Well, I do poetry, writing, combat sports, and more.

You will see me often leading the pillar “ Charisma & Communication ”.

Why Warriors Within?

I have always cherished the concept of having a brotherhood club. The concept of Men being there for each other, just like a pack of wolves. Simultaneously, in those gatherings of Men, we would learn from each other. We would create bonds. We would celebrate achievments together. As my position is one of influence in WW, I always appreciated the aspect of teaching -to teach what I believe I am good at, while also learning and perfecting the craft of Public Speaking.

Not only that, but teaching and seeing the growth of people brings a sense of thrill to my soul, and I am not trying to be poetic. It is just a wonderful scene to be presented with a group of people who seek change - the change to become the best version of themselves. Where as they grow and improve, I grow and improve too, for our quality is based on those around us.


My Quote in Life

“ So be it. “


Danger, Performing Arts, Painting, and Cats [Team Cats all day].


Loud & Crowded Places, and Degenracy