Petru “The Motivator”

Co-Founder - Sales & Marketing Director

Greetings, Earthlings, and Adventure-Seekers!

Name's Petru, at your service! Part philosopher, part adrenaline junkie, and full-time motivator. I’m on a quest for the extraordinary, diving into life like it's a giant pizza - eager to grab the biggest slice. If you’re here, you’re probably not into watching paint dry either. Welcome aboard the excitement express!

Hobbies, you ask? Well, when I'm not busy being a modern-day Indiana Jones, you can find me lost in the world of journaling - where my pen battles dragons of introspection. Meditation? That's my secret superpower, helping me stay zen when I'm not swinging from vines in the wilderness. And let's not forget the gym - my personal laboratory for transforming into a superhero, one push-up at a time.

Look out for me in the “Mental Mastery” corner. That’s where I share my tales of taming wild beasts (like my inner sloth) and conquering mystical lands (like the dreaded Monday mornings). So, if you're ready for a journey filled with laughter, growth, and the occasional “did-he-really-just-do-that?” moment, you're in the right place! Let's make life legendary... and hilarious! 🚀😂🌟

Why Warriors Within?

The sudden death of my father in August 2023 left me with one of the biggest scars a man can face. He was the one I knew I could count on, always there for me no matter what. He was my anchor, my inspiration, dare I say, my hero. Perfectly imperfect, with his famously terrible dad jokes and funny socks, he was my only role model, the one who taught me what being a man really means.

Being raised this sort of way, gave me a whole new understanding of the world, the manners I should show, the words I should use, and the energy I should radiate.

That's what Warriors Within is all about: learning, growing, discovering the real you - finding your true healthy and empowering masculine energy. The second I mentioned this idea to my father, he was filled with joy and enthusiasm. He was beyond proud.

Sadly I lost him, but only physically. Spiritually he's with me every step of the way and through Warriors Within, his wisdom shall long live. That's where the very essence of this project lies - in guiding you to finding your true self: pure, unscratched, real, masculine.around us.


My Quote in Life:

“ A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under control “

Jordan Peterson


Motivational Speeches

